I had been totally prepared to have the most lackluster ringing in of the new year, especially after seeing Mike off in Santiago and then arriving in Temuco at sunrise on the 31st. But the less you plan, the better the new year's eve i suppose. Because the next 36 hours were about to be a new years i will never forget. I decided to go with my new coworker Carolina to Pucon, 2 hrs away, to meet up with her friends. Apparently nothing happens in Temuco so everyone goes to Pucon to celebrate.
Topic sentence: I ended up getting to know the extended family of Carolina's high school friend, Girardo. We had dinner, lunch, and dinner again the next day with them. It all centered around barbecued lamb and a myriad of beverages (one being a punch made of diced peaches swimming in white wine). The two hour meals are like advanced Spanish class as i try to understand the Chilean Spanish of a dozen family members bantering and sharing inside jokes. After a few drinks comprehension increases considerably.
At midnight there are fireworks on the lakeshore and a sea of people turn out to watch. It's really sweet to see all the families out and joyfully wishing each other happy new year. I could have contentedly called it a night after that but it was another 8 hours before i could do so. We go back to Girardo's sister's house to have cake and celebrate his other sister's birthday and then it was time for dancing at a club called the Black Forest.
Day 2. Emerge from dance club at sunrise, drive around town dropping off various family members, drive another hour to Girardo's house in the countryside, sleep till 1pm, have a breakfast of humitas and fresh strawberry juice, drive to Girardo's cousin's house (lamb for lunch), drive to the beach on the lake for relaxing sunbathing, back to the cousin's house (lamb dinner), pick raspberries and walk around the beautiful pasture land, pick up family members in town, drive to another house in the country to pick up stuff, then finally back to Temuco where I so happily pass out at 3am on January 2, 2012.
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