Monday, February 20, 2012

new life with window

On Saturday, after 48 days of living in the most depressing room I´ve ever known, I moved into my new place on Las Gacelas (Gazelle) street. As you can see, the old room was lit by a bare flourescent bulb. The new place has a window the size of an entire wall. From my comfortable, bug-free bed, I can watch puffy clouds float by in the blue summer sky. And note the ample floor space for yoga. Suddenly the entire town of Temuco seems brighter and I feel much more like myself. I no longer have to spend the evenings playing Tetris on my ipod to escape the prison-cell-like character of that cave of a room. Now I can leisurely read a book by natural light as the gentle breeze turns the pages. All I did over the weekend was marvel at the amenities and simple pleasures of being in a normal house. It was even fun going to Sodimac (the Chilean Home Depot) and buying things like dish towels and wall hooks. I celebrated with a can of Pringles and watched "Tremors" dubbed in Spanish on the lovely television. The only thing I miss about the old place was the little orange and white cat that visited me every day. There is a black and white cat named Meme who lives in the new house who likes to sleep on the dining room table.

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